

Year 3395. - Quagmire - 1

It started to snow. The ground under enemy fire turned into mud and it made Evarist's foots dirty.  The battle field against Burnside and Imperroda, on the east side of Empire had been deadlocked for a while.  Izac came closer and mutters.  “We're set up, huh?” His grimy battle ware shows the violence of this war.  Izac says with teasing tone. He has smile on his face.  “I knew it.” Evarist says. “Need to make some sacrifices for obtain anything.”  “Sacrifices you said? Well...Your men will receive my sympathy”  “You are the one of my men, also, Izac.”  “Well...In that way, I'm enjoying being your man.” Izac says. “I love to be in battle field”  “It's going to be more fun....Look”  As Evarist said, Izac turned his sight over bulwark and he nodded.  “Can you see that? Izac?”  Some of hurried enemy soldiers recognized over bulwark of enemy side over the bridge.  They apparently have different equipments than others.  “Reinforcements? Maybe?” Izac says.  “That's Army of Imperroda, for sure. I saw some [War Beasts] there...”  Evarist made up his mind to tell Izac about the order from General Schidor at this point.        - Phaydo the Imperial City -     General put his cup and says,  “Anxiety....That's the word for me”  “There are so many of useless soldiers in my army......”  General had chosen Evarist to be one of his favorite men ever since Evarist distinguished himself in imperial army.  “I am counting on you, Captain Waltz.”  General had authority of himself in his sharp eyes.  “In precise, I am counting on you as a fighter more than as a commander.”     Once, General Schidor was the special person for Empire.  He was the man who argued to reinforce the Empire's military strength to expand territory, when the [Dawn-light Age], the time many lands released from the evil whirlpool [Profound], had started. His dramatic achieved of war results raised dignity of Empire.  However, too much of his success made his position imperiled.  Also, seesaw battle in Western frontline, against Lubiana Kingdom, gives a negative influence towards his political strength in the army.     “I heard that you was not born in territory of Empire. Where are you from?”  General said to Evarist. General usually gathers his men to dinner, which meant as strategy meeting in this case, however, this time, Evarist was the only one who is invited.  “I was born in Forest Hill, sir. It does not exist anymore. It swallowed into the whirlpool [Profound], when I was little. ”  Evarist honestly answered general's question. It is unnecessary for him to lie general unless he knows what general has in his mind.  “I grew up as refugee. I was age of 17 when I joined imperial army, sir.”  “What was the reason to join in the army?”  “I wanted to prove myself, sir. I had a strong desire to comprehend my limit.”  General was looking into the eyes of Evarist while he was listening.  “I see...” General nodded and asked,  “How do you feel yourself about your origin?”  “I have no sympathy for myself, sir. Emotion is only incidental factor of behavior, I believe. There is no need to be adherence to emotion if I am constantly progressing, sir.”  “What the interesting opinion you have. That is what makes you to be a dependable commander, I assume.”  General took his cup.  “General, may I ask you the reason of this convocation, sir?”  Evarist broached a point-blank question to general after a short silence.  “Do not be in hurry, son. Now listen.....”  “There is no absolute purpose of life. It does not matter where we bone, or whatever we do, we shall die at the end of the life.” He continued.  “However, war has an absolute purpose. Do you know what it is? It is a purpose to defeat the enemy. That is the reason why I live with it.”  General get's up from his chair and started to walk towards war map, hanged on the wall.  “The battle line expands in each day after day. To the west, to the east, and also to the south. Everywhere, son. Everywhere.”  The eyes of general started to have intense aspiration.  “We, the imperial army of Granddillenia Empire, will win in each battle. We will defeat every single enemy. The war never ends untill we have an absolute victory!”  The room became in silence after his speech. Evarist understood that aspiration, almost of insanity, brought this little old man to the position where he is at.  “In order to do so, I need you, son”  Passionate voice of general broke the silence.  “Do me a favor. A favor which can be done by only a man like you...”        - Borderland of Myocca -     The dawn has come.  Three war beasts started to appear. Their height is almost up to 3 alle (15 feet), and so as their width. A force of gigantic body can be felt even in long distance. Imperrodian soldiers, holding reins from metal shackles set to the mouth of the war beast, rides on the back of the war beast. A type of that war beast has been researched during last night. It called as [Toebear]. It generally walks in four legs; however, it can use its forefoot for predation. Its red hard skin as carapace and great healing ability gives an excellent talent to be as war beast.  War beasts slowly advanced to the bridge and they were dragging defensive barrier. In a meanwhile, pioneer of Burnside started to cross the bridge with no fear of being fired. Those Burnsidian pioneers started to eliminate the mines and obstacles which set by Granddillenian forces.  Even though, both Burnside and Imperroda does not have a strong connections to [Engineer], who supervise technology , as Granddlillenia Empire does, they manage to own defensive barrier for own protection. However, unlike Granddlillenia Empire, they were not able to use Automata or high-performance field guns.     Unit of knights already assembled in the camp. Evarist's orderly man waits his master right beside his mechanical auto-horse. Evarist rode his auto-horse, received his gun, and checked cartridge. Right after he puts gun away into a saddle, every knights in his unit had finished riding their own auto-horse.  After confirming preparation of his unit, Evarist pulled out his sword to the air and shouted.  “The main force of our imperial force is currently under the battle against Lubianians! The cowardly Burnsidian force invaded this battle line of Myocca to take an advantage of this situation! This is absolute insult! An insult which noble knight like every single one of you here would never can think of!”  He continues with the eye burned with anger.  “They also brought Imperrodian with evil disgusting war beasts! We can't withdraw our eyes from those baseness bastards! ”  “For our brother fight in western land! For the family waits back in motherland! We shall exterminate morale of foolish Imperrodian!”  Unit members started to cheer wildly.  “Do not fear evil war best! Fear to be dishonored!”  All of the fear and anxiety disappeared from unit member.  “Okay boys! Let's get started!!”  Izac, adjutant of the unit, shouted out. He was standing beside of Evarist.  “Well, it's going to be a fun time...ha-ha”  “That is an idle talk, lieutenant. Be like my quiet orderly man here. ”  Surprised orderly man who kept quiet shows shocked face to Evarist.  “Oops. Got yelled at. Scary, isn't he?”  Izac smiled to poor strained orderly man     Knights launched out from the base. Auto horse ran mined battle field like wind. It was just like dancing, the way they avoid obstacles placed by own army. Only [Engineer] will be able to create automata with such a precise movement.  Burnsidian pioneers jumped away from obstacle they were trying to eliminate and started to run into the other side of river. However, auto-horse catches them up real quick and crushed them into the ground. Crushed pioneers rolled on the ground as old rag.     Burnsidian ware beast rider attempted to release war beast from metal shackles to oppose raging auto-horse.  As soon Evarist saw it, he pulled out his gun and aimed to war beast rider. Distance between them was more than 50 alle (240 feet), however, Evarist was starting to capture swaying target precisely.     He felt stream of time getting slow down. Now he knows it is the right timing to use his special talent. The vision of enemy came in to his sight clearly. Swaying muzzle synchronized with the vision of the future. He pulled a trigger when he captured the future vision of falling enemy.  Rider of war beast passed away, hanging down from saddle.  Evarist shot down two remained riders, in the same way.  “Well done! Captain!”  Orderly man cheers. He seems to have recovered from being strained by seeing elimination of the war beast. He was staying in the back of battle field with Evarist.  “Just move on. The main battle will be after crossing the bridge.”  Evarist started to move forward with his orderly man. [Toebear], the war beast did not pay any attentions to Evarist. It thought its task is over because the one who gives order is now hanging down from saddle without any of vital signs.  “It's just like a cart horse, like this”  Orderly man shouted in excited tone.     The vanguards had been stopped by machine-gun fire at the area of defensive barrier.  Guardians of defensive barrier fired machine- gun continually, not to let auto horses get closer.  Evarist found Izac hiding behind the shade.  “What's wrong, Izac?” Evarist asked.  “Can't move. They have a nice formation here” Izac answers.  “We do not have much time. Two of us can make difference, right? Let's go.”  Evarist said to Izac. Izac nodded with smile.  “You. You come with us. We'll eliminate that machine-gun.” Evarist said to orderly man.  Two side attacks, is the plane Evarist came up. If two men launched out from the shade both the right side and left side, either of the man will reach to machine-gun for sure. In order to defeat main force of enemy, they could not waste the time here.  “GO! GO! GO!!”  Three men launched out from the shade.  Shooter of machine-gun showed a bit of confusion, than he decided to aim to Evarist.  Evarist took low position on auto-horse to use it as a shield. Auto-horse will be able to endure couple of gun shots. He will not die unless he gets shot in his body.  After the sound of gun fire Evarist received massive impact. Auto-horse lost its control  , and leaned forward to the ground. Evarist flew in the air and slammed to the ground.  He struggles with the pain, however he had to get up quickly to avoid been crushed by following forces.  It seems that Izac had eliminated machine gun. Following forces was passing Evarist skillfully.  “Are you alright? Captain!”  Orderly man came closer and says,  “Need to change horse”  “It is fine. Let me ride on your back.”  Luckily, Evarist did not have any injuries. He obtained gun from his orderly man and gets up on the back of auto-horse     After crossing 2/3 of the bridge, Evarist recognized heavy armed soldiers launching out from enemy base at the other side of the bridge.  Well trained heavy armed force was one of the dangerous opponents of auto-horses.  From on top of auto-horse, Evarist aimed to a soldier with commander mark. He pulled the trigger. Firing hammer knocked detonator. Armor piercing ammunition accelerated its momentum by intense pressure of gas shot out from barrel.  Every sensation connected together inside of Evarist. Like it meant be as part of enemy soldier's face, the bullet sucked into slit on soldier's helmet. Captain felt down. Not many enemies noticed what happened.  When Evarist aimed for the next target, Izac showed up in his sight.     Izac, on the ground now, was slaying down enemies. Heavy armed soldiers will not be able to catch up to his quickness. An obvious confusion could easily feel from enemy forces.  Evarist jumped off from auto-horse and pulled out his sword. He decided to fight here with Izac to keep enemies in this area so that he can send another forces to the front.  Enemy force started to rout when they saw defeat of war beasts and heavy armed soldiers.  Evarist expected the end of this ware with confidence when he saw Izac giving a final blow to one of enemy soldiers.  Huge loss in this battle, however, they got what they want.  Soldiers like them have to fight to obtain their wish.  That is the only way.  Determination of Evarist will not be changed, even in bloody battle field.     [Fin] 


